Hammer Vpn Trick For South Users
- Hi friends all you know many peoples are using free internet since a long time.
- so i am here to give you free internet trick of airtel.
- you can browse and downloading upto 80mb per day.
- The trick is working fine in south states we have tested in telangana it is working fine check this in your state may be it will work.
What is Hammer VPN
- Hammer VPN is an application by which you can hide your country proxies.
- you can browse securely or open any websites by using this servers.
- you have to set all settings like proxy or port and save this settings.
1.Airtel 3g Sim.2.hammer VPN app.
3.zero balance in sim.
4.limit usage only 80mb per day.
How To use Hammer Vpn
- First download the Hammer VPN Click Here to download.
- Install the hammervpn and open.
- Select any free server write 9201 in rport box and write 0 in lport then select UDP see screen shot below.
- After the settings done click on connect accept the term trust application and wait for authentication.
- yeppie connected done now open google in chrome it will open the page.
will it work on mp
ReplyDeleteYa it is working fine.