Friday, 22 April 2016

{Loot Stopped Working} True Balance Script online loot No Fraud No cheat


True Balance Script

true balance refer script
True Balance

Hi friends i hope you are earning by Mcent script but i didnot get any response by you please do comment. we are back with true balance script online here you can earn unlimited recharge.Just You have to enter your number and referal code.

What is True Balance

True balance is a famous recharging app you have to refer and earn.It will select your operator automatically.There is 1000 referals limit so it is meant unlimited its time to loot minimum recharge is 10rs here you can recharge only  which your cell is detecting your sim.

How To Use Script

1. First install the app Click Here.
2. Open the app it will take you on the True balance setting click On and Register your number if you are a new user enter this invite code to get 10rs instantly 26NREHNZ.
3. After you registered your number take you referal like eg:-
4. Xyz is your refer code copy that code and paste into form See below.
5. After entering the details Otp page will open enter the Otp and submit if description shows error take back do again.
6. Third page shows you successful results and again will show register page do next number dont need to take back paSte again and again your refer.

7. Password will be default 00000000.
Note:- This script was made only for educational purpose :p.
Please dont misuse this if you are facing any problem comment below thanks.

Script is Below Fill The Details